==Linux dedicated server== Latest version: (avp2linux_096.tar.gz) The binary was built on a Pentium-class Redhat Linux 7.1 system, using a 2.4.xx kernel and glibc 2.2.2. If you have problems running the binary try this: First make sure you have done all the things which are written in readme_linux.txt (especially installation and updating of the game).\\ Change to the installation directory of the game, there should be the Linux executable ''avp2linux'' if you have done all right. Get [[http://kratz00.org/files/redhat-7.1_libs.tar.bz2|redhat-7.1_libs.tar.bz2]] and extract it to the parent working directory, afterwards you can start the server like this: sh ./redhat-7.1_libs/startAvP2ded